The muddle documentation and sphinx and ReadTheDocs

Pre-built documentation

For your comfort and convenience, a pre-built version of the muddle documentation is available at:

This is hosted by Read the Docs, who are wonderful people for providing such a facility. The documentation should get rebuilt on each push to the repository, which means that it should always be up-to-date.

Building the documentation

The muddle documentation is built using Sphinx.


It needs (at least) version 0.6 of Sphinx, which is later than the version installed via apt-get on Ubuntu 8.10. The best way to upgrade is with easy_install, as described on the Sphinx website.

You may also also need graphviz (which provides dot).

As said above, the easiest way to get the documentation is via Read the Docs, but if you want to build a copy yourself, then all you need to do is install Sphinx, and use the Makefile:

$ cd docs
$ make html

The Python bindings

Read the muddle-package.txt file to see how individual classes and functions within the muddled package are documented. Obviously, if you add, remove or rename such, you may need to alter this file – please do so appropriately.